Frequently Asked Questions: Students of Concern

Frequently Asked Questions

What kinds of behaviors may warrant a referral to the SOC Committee to discuss your concerns?

The SOC accepts referrals for a variety of behaviors exhibited by a student or group of students.
In cases where a student’s behavior poses an imminent threat to you or another, call 911 immediately.
Behaviors that may warrant an SOC referral include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Safety issues
  • Threats to others or angry, harassing behaviors.
  • Appearance of intoxication while in class or at a meeting.
  • Outbursts of anger, crying, extreme levels of activity or conversations that do not make sense.
  • Deterioration of hygiene or appearance and dress.
  • Distinct decline in academic performance, poor attendance, an uncharacteristic need for additional attention or repeated requests for extensions.

If you are not sure if a student’s behavior warrants an SOC referral,
please contact the SOC Committee Case Manager 843.953.6031. 

Who makes up the SOC Committee?

The SOC Committee is formed under a delegation of authority from the College President to the Executive Vice President for Student Affairs and is operated within the division of Student Affairs. The SOC Committee is made up of the following individuals from various areas of the College:

Student Affairs - Dean of Students
Public Safety - Deputy Chief of Police
Center for Academic Performance & Persistence (formerly Undergraduate Academic Services) - Director
Student Health Services - Director
The Counseling Center - Director
Residence Life - Director of Residence Life
Faculty - Faculty Member
Student Affairs - Associate Dean of Students
Student Affairs - Assistant Dean of Students
Student Affairs - Student Support Coordinator and Office Manager

Is the SOC Committee a disciplinary body?

The SOC Committee is not a disciplinary body, and actions taken by the SOC are not disciplinary in nature. However, in the case when a student of concern has violated the College Code of Conduct, the student may be subject to sanctions by judicial affairs in addition to separate, non-disciplinary requirements of the SOC Committee.

Are referrals to the SOC Committee anonymous?

The SOC Committee will take reasonable steps to maintain the confidentiality of the referral source if requested. In situations when it may not be possible to maintain the anonymity of the referral source, the SOC Chair person or the SOC Case Manager will discuss it with the referral source prior to disclosing the referral source to the student of concern.

I referred a student to the SOC Committee. What follow-up information should I expect?

As a referral source, you will be notified that the SOC has received the information you have relayed and, when applicable, that the student has been contacted and an action plan has been implemented. The SOC Committee is committed to protecting the student’s right to privacy as outlined in FERPA; thus, Committee members are not at liberty to share information regarding the student’s diagnoses or treatment unless:

  • The student has authorized the release of information to the referral source;
  • The student poses a safety risk to themself or others; or
  • There is a legitimate educational need to know.

Where can I access the SOC Committee Policy?

SOC Committee Policy statement here

Who can I contact for more information about the SOC Committee?

Contact the Dean of Student’s Office. Phone: 843.953.5522.

What provisions should a student expect in a proposed action plan?

Action plans may fall across a wide continuum in relation to the progressive level of concern regarding an individual student’s behavior, safety, and the welfare of others. Plans developed may range from simply maintaining a confidential record of the reported behavior or, in severe circumstances, may progress to an involuntary withdrawal of a student from the College or a referral to a disciplinary panel. The majority of action plans developed will fall between these extremes. Throughout the evaluation process the Committee will attempt, in accordance with legal restrictions and College privacy policies, to keep all involved students appropriately informed of the actions of the Committee.

Can a student contest the proposed action plan?

If the student declines to accept the proposed plan suggested by the Dean, the student may request to have a hearing with SOC members. In that event, the Dean will arrange for the student to appear before a subgroup of Committee members. The purpose of such a hearing is to assist the Committee in its evaluation of the individual’s behavior and situation. This is NOT a disciplinary hearing. The subgroup will work to establish a thorough understanding of what has occurred and will formulate a recommendation that will take the form of an individualized plan of action, to be reported to the full SOC Committee who may adopt the recommendation, remand the matter for further investigation, modify the recommendation or reject it altogether. The Committee must state a reasonable basis for taking any such an action and that action must be based on the student’s record. The involved student will be informed of the Committee’s decision and of the student’s appeal rights.