Standards of Conduct

Student Code of Conduct

From the College of Charleston Student Handbook A Guide to Civil and Honorable Conduct  

Student Code of Conduct.

The following Student Code of Conduct is in force while on College premises and/or at College-sponsored or supervised activities. Officials in Student Affairs shall determine, on a case-by-case basis, whether an incident that occurs off campus jeopardizes the College or members of the college community in pursuit of their institutional and educational goals and thus falls within the scope of the Honor System. (See also section on “Off-Campus Jurisdiction.”)

The Student Code of Conduct of the College of Charleston specifically forbids:

Use, possession, manufacturing, intent to distribute, distribution, dispensation, purchase, attempted purchase of marijuana, cocaine, narcotics or other illegal drugs or controlled substances, including prescription medications, except as expressly permitted by law. This includes the possession or sale of drug paraphernalia (such as scales, bongs, water pipes, glass pipes, cocaine spoons). (For more information about violations and our responses to drug-related activity see Drug Policy below.) 

Use, possession, manufacturing or distribution of alcoholic beverages, except as expressly permitted by the law and College regulations, and/or public intoxication. Alcoholic beverages may not, in any circumstance, be used by, possessed by or distributed to any person under twenty-one (21) years of age. (For more information about our responses to alcohol-related activity see Alcohol Policies, and Residential Student Rights and Responsibilities and The Compass.)

Student Handbook, Drug Policy, 3. Violations

This policy prohibits, on or off campus:

  1. a)  The unlawful manufacture, intent to distribute, distribution, dispensation, trafficking,  possession, attempted purchase, or use of illegal drugs or controlled substances*, including prescription medications and/or use of non-anabolic steroids.  
  2. b) The possession or sale of drug paraphernalia (such as roach clips, water bongs, home-made bongs, glass pipes, cocaine spoons).
  3. c) The manufacture, intent to distribute, distribution, dispensation, trafficking, possession, attempted purchase or use of imitation (“look alike”) or synthetic substances including but not limited to substances such as K2, Spice, Bath Salts, etc. 
  4. d) The manufacture, intent to distribute, distribution, dispensation, trafficking, possession, or use of psychoactive plant which produces hallucinogenic effects including but not limited to substances such as Salvia.

* The term “controlled substances” when used in this policy shall refer to those drugs and substances whose possession, sale, or delivery results in criminal sanctions under South Carolina law.

3.2. As citizens, students have responsibility for knowing of and complying with the provisions of state law referenced above. Any student who violates any of these laws is subject to prosecution and punishment by the civil authorities as well as to disciplinary procedures conducted by the College which may precede criminal or civil proceedings. It is not “double jeopardy” for both the civil authorities and the College to proceed to sanction a person for the same specified conduct.

Employee Standards of Conduct and Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy

All College of Charleston faculty and staff members, as a condition of their employment, must abide by the terms in this policy.